Whether you want to attach your sleeping bag to your backpack, or your outdoor gear to your roof rack, Hooky Hook will look after it. With quick release, gear is secured and accessible in an instant. The Highlander Hooky Hook Strap can hold up to 100KG so it packs a lot of punch for its size.
If you're in the EU, we use standard DPD service delivery times. Please note, due to the wide range of shipping costs worldwide, we are only selling and shipping to UK and select EU countries at this time.
Royal Mail Standard delivery charges apply to orders under £40
FREE Royal Mail Standard delivery is offered for orders over £40.
DPD Next Day Tracked Delivery is offered at a charge of £6 per order under £60 and FREE over £60 - this can be selected at checkout.
We are only open Monday - Friday and any orders placed on Friday before 12pm will be delivered by DPD on the Saturday.
Weight: 50g
Size: 1 metre
Material: 100% polyester webbing with 6061 aluminium buckle
- FAST DELIVERYFREE UK delivery for orders over £40. FREE Next Day DPD delivery with orders over £60
- FREE RETURNSIf you live in the UK, returning your order could not be easier. Click the link at the bottom of the page.
- AMAZING SERVICEWe pride ourselves on our customer service and are at the end of an email or phone to serve you